Upcoming Events

Due to the continuing changing circumstances and public health concerns regarding COVID-19 we must cancel the meetings of the season for January, February, March, April, and May 2021. After some discussion the club has decided to host the Annual NAMRC Golf Tournament in June. The location will be that Indian Hills Golf Club,  more information to come. Any questions or concerns please reach out to Brandy Miller (bmiller@herzog.com).

2023-2024 Annual Membership

To Be Determined

Monday, August 14, 2023
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NAMRC Briefing (COVID 19 Update)
Any questions or concerns please reach out to Brandy Miller (bmiller@herzog.com).

© 2023 NAMRC

NAMRC Briefing (COVID 19 Update)
Any questions or concerns please reach out to Brandy Miller (bmiller@herzog.com).
NAMRC Briefing (COVID 19 Update)
Any questions or concerns please reach out to Brandy Miller (bmiller@herzog.com).